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- Alboin B. P, SE
- Shio : Macan. Tenaga Specialist Surveillance Detection Team di Kedutaan Besar. Trainer Surveillance Detection Team di Kedutaan Besar Negara Asing. Pengajar part time masalah Surveillance Detection, observation techniques, Area and building Analysis, Traveling Analysis, Hostile surveillance Detection analysis di beberapa Kedutaan besar negara Asing, Hotel, Perusahaan Security. Bersedia bekerja sama dalam pelatihan surveillance Detection Team.. Business Intelligence and Security Intelligence Indonesia Private Investigator and Indonesia Private Detective service.. Membuat beberapa buku pegangan tentang Surveilance Detection dan Buku Kamus Mini Sureveillance Detection Inggris-Indonesia. Indonesia - Inggris. Member of Indonesian Citizen Reporter Association.
Selasa, 01 April 2014
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